Unlimited Links

Add as many links and you would like.

Spice up the Look

Customize the photo & title. Make your links look the way you want.

Connect your Feeds

Connect your social accounts, and we'll dynamically pull in your feeds in to their own separate tab.

All Your Feeds.

Allow your audience to see everything you do. Just connect your feeds and we'll pull in the posts.

Fully Viewable Posts

Your audience can open all your images, videos and in-post links right from your Marble page.

Sharable & Connected.

Each Post can be shared right from Marble

Connecting you with the entire industry

Country Clubs
MRBL is the ONLY Link-In-Bio tech company that caters to the golf industry, helping golf influencers, brands and clubs connect. How does MRBL do this? By significantly boosting exposure, improving content quality which results in higher traffic for influencers, brands and club memberships.

Profile Examples

Check out how others have used it.

Find Resources for Creators

We put together some of our favorite Tools, questions and Advice for creators to follow.

It's your page. It should look the part.
Choose a style that fits you.
Authentically You.